
Rack Safety


Perrin Industries Pallet Rack Certification Service offers a complete documented safety management process to assist the client in the discharging of their obligations to rack safety management under government health & safety legislation. This service is available in two levels:

Rack Safety Inspection Audit

For compliance required with Clause 8.2 of Australian Standard AS 4084-2012 Steel Storage Racking.

We offer a thorough and detailed pallet rack safety inspection. We take pride in the fact our audit process is very thorough, endeavouring to visually check all components including those at rear and at height. We also check for overloading, validate the existing load sign detail and load application drawings correctly match with the rack configuration & and check for pedestrian safety issues relating to the design.

1. Assessment Report

The Perrin Industries rack certification assessment report is designed to be easily understood and validated. It includes

  • Hazard & Risk Report in table format detailing observed non-compliancy issues and compliance requirements (what needs to be done to correct the hazards).
  • Plan drawings which enable the client to easily check the observations against the physical condition of the rack.
  • A detailed specification and quotation to carry out make good works to meet the compliance requirements.

Note: Perrin Industries employs the risk assessment method specified in the Australian Standard (AS 4084-2012 Steel Storage Racking).

2. Compliance Certification

Subsequent to a final inspection a checklist sign off document is provided to confirm that compliance requirements have been met.

Rack Safety Management Audit

For compliance required with Section 8.1 of the Australian Standard AS4084-2012 Steel Storage Racking to address the ongoing management of the Operation and Maintenance of the racking structure.

Perrin Industries assists the client to adopt documented rack safety management practices aimed at identifying and controlling hazardous situations. The process includes:

  • Ensuring a user manual is available and appropriate training is provided to staff and equipment operators.
  • Ensuring load application & configuration drawings are in place for the purpose of assessing that the racking structure is not altered without authorisation.
  • Assisting the client implement documented damage and hazardous situation reporting procedures.

The implementation of training and damage reporting procedures helps foster a high level of ongoing safety awareness and results in lower maintenance costs.

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